Parcel filters

Interconnection First

Start with utility infrastructure. Find sites near feeders with hosting capacity so you don't spend time chasing unworkable sites. Refine your search with filters for wetlands, interconnetion tax credits, and more.

Comprehensive Data

Everything you need, in one place

Our Comprehensive database of map layers and utility data helps you quickly evaluate sites. Everything from wetlands to substations to tax credit availability and beyond..

Screenshot of Parcel Detail view

Comprehensive Parcel Info

Sungarden puts detailed info right at your fingertips. Parcel details, ownership info, solar resource availabiliy, and more.

Screenshot of Parcel Detail view

Get a head start on analysis

Get a head start on site analysis. Configurable constraints give you a realistic estimate of buildable area, and a heads up on potential environmental concerns.

CRM Integration

CRM Integration

Painlessly sync prospect collections with your CRM of choice, so your marketing and business development teams can use the tools they know and love to close on the sites you need. Track site control status, ownership changes, property values and more to ensure you're making the most of your outreach campaigns.

Asset Tracking

Project Locations

Keep track of existing sites and installed capacity to ensure new sites don't affect FERC qualification